Fiddling about – 2

The east (Dumfries) end of the yard is a straightforward ladder starting immediately past the shed door. This leaves a wedge-shaped bit of board which will accommodate some kickback sidings and the main electrical distribution board for the layout. Because all the scenic boards hinge or lift up, rather than carrying power between boards using jumpers like any sensible set up, each board will have a single umbilical plugged in somewhere at the back. For now I’ve only laid two loops through the fiddle yard but each of these will take two full length trains with crossovers halfway round. Just the bits across the door to do now !

East end throat with the station boards lifted and folded back. Only the road with the 40 on it and the one adjacent are pinned down, the rest are just laid out to see what fits.
Heading clockwise from the last pic, the structure gauging 40 and its not quite 12 wheeled diner sit on the halfway crossovers. Station boards in their lowered position in the foreground, with supports for the next boards spanning the whole fiddle yard.
A bit further clockwise, 8 Mk 1s look lost in the west end of the loops, scenic boards hinged out of the way (and propped with the spirit level !). Tool storage on the left is the well for the sector plate. The west throat (seen in part 1) is behind us.


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